Fertilizers: Chemical Production, Application Challenges, and Process Instrumentation

Explore the fertilizer production process, challenges, and best instrumentation devices to ensure safety and reliability.
The global population is projected to reach 10.9 billion by the end of this century, putting pressure on growers to increase crop yields in an eco-friendlier way. This has led to a greater need for chemical fertilizers, which supply plants with essential nutrients. The fertilizer industry transforms raw materials such as air, natural gas, and mined ores into nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers.
However, fertilizer production comes with its own set of challenges, including precise control of temperature, pressure, and flow. WIKA, a global leader in process instrumentation, offers customized solutions for the fertilizer industry to ensure safety, reliability, and efficiency.

AWC Support:

If you have any questions about your instrumentation selection needs or wish to discuss fertilizer application challenges, reach out to the local Automation & Controls Specialists in your area. You can find them anytime via online chat at www.awc-inc.com or by finding your local AWC office.

George Gugich is a WIKA Technical Expert and Business Development Manager for AWC, Inc. based in Baton Rouge, LA. He has over 12 years of industrial and instrumentation experience, including many years as a Technical Manager with WIKA Group. He is a graduate of Louisiana State University and holds a Process Instrumentation & Controls certification from the University of Kansas.

George Gugich

George Gugich

George Gugich is a WIKA Technical Expert and Business Development Manager for AWC, Inc. based in Baton Rouge, LA. He has over 12 years of industrial and instrumentation experience, including many years as a Technical Manager with WIKA Group. He is a graduate of Louisiana State University and holds a Process Instrumentation & Controls certification from the University of Kansas.
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