Siemens: PLC Family Selection Guide

The below flowchart, developed by AWC automation engineers and subject matter experts, can be used to easily identify the best Siemens PLC family for a particular application. Note that the flowchart is a general guideline only, and that the technical specifications of the various families can exceed the limits shown. Please don’t hesitate to contact AWC for any technical questions or further assistance!

Flowchart for selecting the right Siemens PLC family for an application

Once the flowchart has landed on a particular Siemens PLC family, the below table can be referenced for a basic overview of the capabilities and features of each family.

Table for comparing Siemens PLC family specifications
Nitin Patel is an Automation Specialist for AWC, Inc. in the Dallas, TX office. He is a Certified Siemens Technology Specialist for Factory Automation. With over 14 years of experience in industrial automation, he has a BS in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University.

Nitin Patel

Product Specialist

Nitin Patel

Product Specialist

Nitin Patel is an Automation Specialist for AWC, Inc. in the Dallas, TX office. He is a Certified Siemens Technology Specialist for Factory Automation. With over 14 years of experience in industrial automation, he has a BS in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University.
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